2012. augusztus 8., szerda

Cathe Friedrich's To the Max

A fast-paced, non-stop program that features five distinct workout techniques (all carefully designed to keep you physically challenged and mentally motivated). You'll start with classic Cathe-style step aerobics — varied patterns of easy-to-follow, but super-tough, fat-burning. That's followed by a short Tabata section — 20 seconds of flat-out cardio followed by 10 seconds of "rest." Then it's high intensity interval training (HIIT) — similar to Tabata, but with longer "work" and "rest" sequences. The program ends with two different body-sculpting sections: standing and floorwork. DVD also includes two bonus Tabata segments: low-impact and gliding disc. Requires a step, a loop resistance band and multiple sets of dumbbells (e.g. 5, 10 & 15 lb.). A high step and gliding discs are optional. ©2012


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